Reason #1 to love Aruba
As a Marriott Diva, I can tell you, one of my favorite Marriott’s, is the Renaissance Wind Creek Aruba Resort. It is my first reason to love Aruba. The resort is beautiful, has a plethora of wonderful restaurants, a shopping plaza with high end stores, a wonderful spa, and a boat that pulls into the lobby of the hotel to take you to the absolutely fantastic Flamingo Island. And trust me, you want to go to Flamingo Island!
One of the perks of staying at the resort is you get priority access to Flamingo Island. Non hotel residents are prioritized after hotel guest. As a Marriott Diva, I appreciate that. Going to Flamingo Island is a MUST do if you go to Aruba.
Which leads to reason #2 to love Aruba; Flamingo Island!

Reason #2 to love Aruba
Flamingo Island! Flamingo Island is part of the Renaissance property. I thought it was absolutely marvelous when we went on our 30th Wedding Anniversary trip in 2016. You can see it in this video.

Reason #3 to love Aruba
Reason 3 is definitely the cabanas on Flamingo Island! We loved Flamingo Island the first time. But by the time we came back in 2018 with 2 of our children, Flamingo Island got even better! The Renaissance added decked out cabanas and concierge service for the amazing cabanas.
This whole trip allowed us to provide our kids with a Rock Star Christmas experience. You can check it out in this video.
Reason #4 to love Aruba
The people! Aruba’s slogan is One Happy Island. There’s a good reason for that! People in Aruba are a mixture of cultures that all seem to blend effortlessly. Maybe it’s because the strong winds blow out all of the negative energy.
The biggest surprise about Aruba
Speaking of the winds, that was the surprise I hadn’t expected. I don’t know that I even heard about the winds in Aruba. Beautiful blue water and Natalie Holloway, yes. Winds, no. So, let me tell you about them.
When Americans think about a windy city, we think Chicago, aka, The Windy City. And while, that is the nickname for Chicago, in terms of wind speed, Chicago isn’t even in the top ten of the windiest cities in the United States.
Amarillo, Texas is actually the windiest city with an average windspeed of 13.6 miles per hour. In Aruba, the calmest month of the year for the wind is October, with an average wind speed of 15.6 miles per hour. In June, the month we first visited Aruba, the average wind speed is 21.2 miles per hour. Since Aruba is small and mostly flat, there simply isn’t anything to break up the wind speed. Here’s a little sample of the wind in December.

Some of my favorite pics
Here are some of my favorite pics from both trips. I hope you enjoy!


In a future #spallowme post, I’ll show you the Okeanos spa at the resort. I had two visits and they were both wonderful!