As a solid Ferris Bueller fan, I was surprised to discover these amazing facts about Ferris Bueller that absolutely blew my mind! I mean, some of these were kind of sweet surprises like the first one. And one was downright trickery, by my standards anyway. But, I’ll let you be the judge for yourself. Check out these 5 amazing facts about Ferris Bueller’s Day Off movie.

Meet The Parents

My first amazing Ferris Bueller fact is life imitating art. According to this article, the couple who played Ferris’ parents actually got hitched the same year the movie was released. Actors Lyman Ward and Cindy Pickett were the actors who played Ferris’ likely Boomer parents. You read about the different generations in this blog post I wrote. They met while filming the movie and got married the same year the movie was released.
Just like Ferris’ parents, they had two children. And, about that subject… I honestly believe there were missing Bueller children. I talk about this subject in one of my TikTok videos. Unfortunately the coupled divorced in 1992.

This Amazing Ferris Bueller Fact Shook Me!

I must admit, I’m a little shooketh about this amazing Ferris Bueller fact. It’s a sneaky one, too. One you wouldn’t even think was a possibility until now. So, get ready.
We all know Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is set in Chicago, right? We saw them at all of the popular Chicago venues! Remember when they visited the former Sears and now the Willis Tower? We saw them watching a game at Wrigley Field. Heck, we even remembered when they were inside The Art Institute of Chicago?
So, you’ll be shocked to know, the house isn’t even in Chicago. It’s actually a house in Long Beach, California. Wait, what?
Though that house may not have been a real Chicago house, tell you about something that was real.

Professionally Trained Squirrels?

Repurposed High School

Does Shermer High School sound familiar? If you’re a GenXer, it should! John Hughes was the king of teenage movies in the eighties. One of those was classic, The Breakfast Club. That movie was also set at the fictional Shermer High.

He Was How Old?

The actor who played Cameron had such a youthful face, I think you too, will find this to be an amazing Ferris Bueller fact. Believe it or not, Alan Ruck was almost 30 when he played the iconic role. He was 29 while filming and 30 when the movie was released.

Did You Know Any Of These Amazing Ferris Bueller Facts?

Finally, did you know any of these amazing Ferris Bueller facts? Drop me some comments and let me know.
And stay tuned for my next Ferris Bueller post. Even thought I’m an avid Ferris Bueller fan and have seen the movie mover times than I should be proud to share. Even with all of that, while preparing this post, I realized there are A LOT of things I missed when watching Ferris Bueller.
So, watch for my next Ferris post. I’ll focus on little details I can’t believe I missed all the prior times before.
Until next time,