Reclaiming My Spirit


Help for Mikese

Greetings family, friends, and fellow mental health advocates! I am writing this from my new blog, This is a blog I started as part of my healing journey from my own, first ever battle with depression earlier this year. I can say, I have a whole new sense of empathy for anyone who struggles

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Do this one easy thing to get your day off to a great start!

If you’re like me, I typically start my day with a cup of coffee. It’s part of my morning ritual. Whenever we travel, I usually pick up a souvenir coffee mug to help me reflect on the fond memories of our trip. As I was going through my “Dark Night of the Soul”, I found this to be even more meaningful.  (If you’re

Do this one easy thing to get your day off to a great start! Read More »

What I’m Doing Intro

Anyone who knows me well, (or even a little), knows I’m a serious Type A personality (some would argue Type A+)! We Type As will create structure out of anything because we thrive on creating structure, following processes, establishing timeframes, meeting deadlines and a myriad of other things that typically make us very successful in Corporate America.   As I have learned, these are not good

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