Why We Need Beautiful Ways To Support Someone

I am dedicating this blog, Beautiful Ways To Support Someone On the Verge of a Meltdown to my TikTok community! Recently I was on the verge of a meltdown and they did everything right.
So much so, I thought to myself, if there were a manual on what to say and do right when someone is struggling, my TikTok community wrote it! I decided I had to share some of the kind words but also some tips on signs to recognize if someone is struggling.
As part of my ongoing quest to normalize discussions about mental health, you can expect to see and hear more. Especially because we know depression rates are high and continue to climb in the United States. In fact, according to this study, nearly one in ten Americans reports having depression. It’s time to normalize the discussion about mental health.
Not only that, it’s time to also give some guidance on beautiful ways to support someone on the verge of a breakdown.
But first, let me tell you what lead to me being on the verge of a meltdown.

The Issue Behind The Meltdown
I haven’t done a blog about it yet though I’m sure I will soon, but on January 29 of this year we experienced a horrific personal tragedy. I shared the tragedy in this TikTok video.
It’s been tough but I’ve been sharing my journey with my online community. The ups, the downs, the silly moments and the real honest moments. It was on that basis, I shared this video.
@khadeejamorse #reflections #after #fire #iwant #gohome #homesweethome #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #keepitreal #realtalk #blackwomen #reclaimingmyspirit
♬ original sound – Khadeeja Morse RMS
From this video, there were so many wonderfully amazing and supporting comments, I had to showcase and highlight a few of them. However, if you have time, I highly encourage to take some time to read them.
They’ll lift your day just reading the generosity of spirit in the comments. Let me show you what I mean

One Beautiful Way To Support – It’s Ok Not To Be Ok

One of the first things that stood out to me in the comments was how many people normalized what I was feeling. While of course, in my logical mind, I knew it was normal to feel how I was feeling.
It was a completely different thing to hear or read other people normalizing my feelings. As a proud member of GenX, a whole generation who was raised to disregard our feelings for the most part, it was a tall order.
However, the more comments I read, the more I felt ok, letting go of any guilt about not being strong and muscling through the situation which is my normal go to mode of operation.
I realized, as much as anything, I was ok with letting go the myth of the Strong Black Woman and share my vulnerability. That was a weight I happily put down!

Beautiful Ways To Support Someone By Offering Words of Encouragement

The words of reassurance were very comforting to me. Some of the reassurance was about the topic I mentioned above. Normalizing it’s ok not to be ok. Another reassuring me God was still looking out for us. And finally, sending a hug.
And the ones you see here are just a small sampling. I enjoy reading and re-reading them.

Offer To Be There Unconditionally

I never realized just how much this last one meant until I saw it. This comment from someone who has never even met me brought me to tears. Just the mere thought that someone would be willing to offer to sit and hold my hand unconditionally for as long as needed renewed my faith in humanity.
In fact, one of the many Silver Linings from the fire is how it helped renew my sense of community. I talk about it in this TikTok video.

Know The Signs

Below are a list of signs you should be aware of if you think someone may be struggling with depression or feelings of depression.

Silver Linings

I’m counting my blessing and all of the Silver Linings from this tragedy I can. In fact, I’ve created a whole Silver Lining Sale that will run Saturday 3/11-Monday 3/13/23. You’ll get 10% off your entire purchase at my CupofMood Shop during the sale.
And make sure to check back at the shop often as I add new inventory daily.

More To Come
I’m back and glad to be back blogging and adding cups to my inventory. In addition to this blog, make sure you check out my latest CupofMood cup drop and blog The Uplifting Story Of How Monumental Loss Turned Into Something Beautiful! – CupofMood.
I’m looking forward to blogging and sharing pics and videos again.
Until next time,