Drink More Water – Part of My Year Of Living Magically

I decided to drink more water and it would be part of My Year of Living Magically. As part of that process, I’m working on manifesting and sharing more of the things that bring me joy. In my year of living magically, it’s my goal and intention to focus on the bright side of any situation, to the best of my human ability.
One of the ways I do that is to not start the year focused on resolutions. Instead I’m focused on the things I’m embracing. One of the things I’m embracing is drinking more water.
I’ve been tracking my progress and here’s some tips and ideas, I’ve figured out over the past few days.

Drink More Water By Setting A Daily Goal

Drinking more water by setting a goal to drink more water almost seems second nature to me. But then, I’m definitely a recovery Type A+ personality. Setting a goal to drink more water is made even easier when you have a water bottle with goals already built in.

My water bottle you see in the picture above accomplishes both of the first two tips. It has a goals printed right on the reusable water bottle. It doesn’t get any easier than that.
I’ll tell you, having a goal and monitoring my progress, really made me want to do better than I did on day 1. My goal was to empty the whole bottle but unfortunately, I only got to Master level on my bottle.
I think having the built in visual reminders were very helpful. The words were encouraging and the markings were clear. The water bottle in the image below is another good example of accomplishing both of the first two tips.

Drink More Water With Reminders

Setting reminders to drink more water is another way to help you remember. Sometimes we get so caught up in our day, we simply forget about our little goal to drink more. This is where the first two tips build on the third tip. With the right water bottle, it will handle all three tips for you.

My water bottle has both goals and encouraging milestones. Every day I feel challenged to do better than the prior day.

Drink More Water Sip By Sip

Drink More Water By Exploring New Waters

In the first couple of days, I was struggling to finish drinking all of my water. While I like the taste of regular water, I don’t like it enough for me to meet my goals.

Though I’m not a huge fan of regular water, there is a water I completely love. That’s coconut water. In my last job, I was as known for drinking coconut water as much as about anything else.
So when I found myself falling short of my daily embracing drinking more water, I knew what I had to do. I had to go to back to my favorite water. I’m happy to report it’s been smooth sailing ever since. In fact, as of today, I’ve filled my bottle twice over the last couple of days. Coconut water for the win!

Jazz Up Your Water!

Some people like to add lemon or lime to their water. However that’s only one option. There are many more options for adding fruit to your water.

Drink More Water By Infusing Flavors

Having a water bottle with an infuser is one of the easiest way to add flavor to your water. Just like the Infuser Water Bottle pictured above, you simply add your fruit into the infuser and voila, you have water infused with fresh flavor!

Healthy Ideas To Infuse Water

If you’re going to infuse your water, you may as well get the bang for your buck and make it healthy. In the image above you see healthy combinations for infused water.

What Tips Do You Have To Drink More Water?

Those are my tips to drink more water. What tips do you have? Drop me some comments and let me know.

Speaking of Water

Speaking of water, this time, I’m not talking about drinking it. I’m talking about seeing a very rare color of water. It was a Bucket List Item I didn’t even know I had until our trip to Cancun for Christmas. Check out my blog post, The Sensational Bucket List item You Need To See!
If you check it out, let me know what you think and if you’ve ever seen similar water.
Until next time,