The Great Chicken Debate!
Have you heard about this great debate? The debate of why Jamaican KFC is soooo much better than American KFC? Or leave some to tell it, it’s the best KFC in the WORLD!
I learned about this legendary chicken a few trips ago to Jamaica. On the way to the resort, we passed a KFC with a line of cars and people that wrapped around the building. I assumed KFC must have been running one heck of a special that day; because who would wait in a line like that for KFC?!

Cars wrapped around the parking lot at a KFC in Jamaica

From a Jamaican’s perspective
I asked our driver about it and that’s when I first heard about the perceived HUGE difference between Jamaican KFC and American KFC. Our driver, Marc, who lived in the States for a few years; told us how Jamaicans who live in the States often request family and friends coming to the States to bring them KFC from Jamaica.

I thought to myself, of all the things they would want from Jamaica and they wanted KFC?

I was curious!
That had me wondering. What in the world could be so great about the KFC chicken here? It’s a franchise so don’t they all have to follow the same recipes and processes? How good is this chicken to cause those kinds of lines?
Unfortunately, it took 3 more trips before we were finally able to squeeze in time and a way to get the long sought-after chicken. I never wanted to waste one second of my time in Jamaica, much less wait the typical 30-minute, minimum, waiting time to get KFC chicken. I mean, how good could it be?!
Thankfully, through our hotel concierge, we were able to connect with Anthony from WilsontoursJA on FB, who became our trusted driver during our stay. Anthony was like our UberEATS for us and was headed out to get the chicken for us.

Time to do a little research
With the Jamaican KFC chicken ordered, I got busy doing some research. My logical mind needed an explanation, in case it really was true.
An initial search of “Jamaican KFC”, led me to this corporate website.
I checked it out, nothing earth shattering, a pretty typical corporate food company website. A review of the menu and nothing stands out, it looks like the KFC menu back home.
A look at the history section describes the history of KFCs in the UK, not even Jamaica.
A look at the About KFC Jamaica section details a successful franchise but you’ll find no secrets there either. So, no answers yet.
The chicken arrived! Happy Dance!
My first order of business was to visually inspect the chicken. We ordered both spicy and original.

The size and appearance
Immediately I noticed how small the pieces are compared to KFC pieces in the US. I heard KFC Jamaica only uses organic chicken. Based on the size, perhaps that’s true but I didn’t see anything on the website that that specifically states that. I also immediately noticed the chicken didn’t look as greasy.
The taste
Now, let me tell you about the taste of the chicken. It IS delicious! It is seasoned and fried perfectly with an amazing hint of, hmmm, something familiar. Something that reminded me of my childhood. Something comforting, something familiar, something…
Wait! Could it be? I remember this taste! THIS is the KFC from my childhood! This is the way KFC used to taste before hormones, steroids, antibiotics and the other sad and lasting effects of profits over quality and hyper mass production of chicken in America. It seemed to forever lower the quality standards of KFC in the States.
If you’re 50 or older, you will, for sure, know what I mean. I began to notice the decline in KFC quality a couple of decades ago. As I think about it, it probably started around the time they shortened the name from Kentucky Fried Chicken to KFC.
A shortcut for the name apparently wasn’t the only shortcut. It clearly was one of many. So I haven’t been eating KFC for a while.
My most recent comparison
A few months ago, feeling a little nostalgic, I decided to give KFC a try again, for old times’ sake. I was kind of excited when I started opening the package. However, I was immediately appalled by the bloated and greasy look of the chicken.
As for the feel, it felt just like it looked, bloated and greasy. I took one bite, and the taste matched the look and feel. I was done with American KFC for good.
But thank you Jamaica! now that I’ve tried Jamaican KFC, I know it’s still possible to have good Kentucky Fried Chicken!
To me, that really is the difference. The chicken looks and tastes like the original recipe and cooking style of the original Kentucky Fried Chicken. The kind of fried chicken Colonel Sanders would have made.
That’s the difference between KFC in the States and in Jamaica. They have Kentucky Fried Chicken. We have the shortcut, KFC.
Colonel Sanders would be proud!
This is Colonel Sanders making the deal with the Myers family that resulted in the opening of the first KFC in Kingston, Jamaica on June 18, 1975. If he were alive, I suspect he would be smiling knowing they’re still honoring his recipe.

The KFC here reminds me of the good old days. It reminds of the first KFC in our neighborhood on Taylor Road in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. The one that is long gone, along with the original taste of Kentucky Fried Chicken we used to get. KFC Jamaica reminds me of summer childhood days, drive in movie fare, family picnics and a time before fast food was completely unhealthy food.
Best chicken in the world?
So, is Jamaica KFC the best chicken in the whole world? Ummm, no, it takes a distant second to my mom, Hasina’s, fried chicken.

Also, in Maryland, I’m extremely fond of Royal Farms chicken. It’s hard to believe it’s from a gas station. But still, it’s no match for the KFC of my childhood.
So, to all my old heads out there; if you want the KFC from your childhood, ya gotta go to Jamaica.
Ready to get away? Check out my post, What you need to know to go to Jamaica now!