Reclaiming My Spirit

Only The Rare Person Can Find The Hidden Image Quickly

Did you know only the rare person can find the hidden image quickly in these pictures quickly? Don't believe me? Try for yourself.

Can you find the hidden image in this picture?

Caribou Coffee Fall Mug available at CupofMood Shop

The Find The Hidden Image That Started It

The find the hidden image TikTok conversation that led to this post

It started off as a request for help. I had run across this find the phone hidden image you see above. I stared at it over and over again, trying to find the phone. Once I thought I found it only to lose it again.

I tried not to cheat but when I was saving the image, I saw a comment someone made about it being near one of the table legs. I desperately tried to look every which way around those table legs, only to end up frustrated!

So, I did what any self respecting TikToker would do, I took it to my TikTok community for help. If you’re not on TikTok, don’t worry. You have a slight edge over my TikTok crew. The answer is in this post. People are still looking for the answer on TikTok.

“While I’m Texting” Ceramic Coffee Mug available at CupofMood Shop

Can You Find The Phone?

Can you find the hidden image of the phone?

Let me warn you. This one is tricky. I’m telling you, more than once after I knew where the phone was, I still had a hard time trying to locate it again. If you try to find it without cheating, drop me some comments to let me know how long it took you to find it.

For those of you without the patience to try to find it, don’t worry, the answer is right below.

Wine Is the Answer What was the Question Stemless Wine Glass  available at CupofMood Shop

The Find The Phone Hidden Image Answer

The answer to the find the hidden phone image

Can you see the IPhone in the brown circle? It’s tricky because the phone case makes it blend in seamlessly. Thought I typically pride myself on attention to detail, I totally missed the pattern on the phone is similar but different than the pattern on the carpet. It’s the flowers on the phone case that help you identify the phone versus the rug.

So, how long did it take you to get it or did you cheat? Drop me some comments either way and let me know.

Galerie Brown Sock Monkey Mug available at CupofMood Shop

Can You Find The Pilgrim’s Hat?

Another find the hidden image, this time it’s find the Pilgrim’s hat

While I know some people would just as soon skip Thanksgiving. This TikTok video I dueted with some of the holiday cups from my CupofMood Shop, shows just how little some people think of Thanksgiving. Thankfully, I’m not one of them. So I chose a Thanksgiving find the hidden image to help you get in the Thanksgiving Spirit. So, can you find the Pilgrim’s hat?

Now, if you’re just not up for working that hard right now, don’t worry, the answer’s below.

“I Don’t Give A Dam” Brown Beaver Mug Coffee Cup available at CupofMood Shop

Did You Find The Pilgrim’s Hat?

The answer to the find the hidden image of the Pilgrim’s hat

So, were you able to find it? How long did it take you? Did you have fun? Drop me some comments and let me know.

But, wait, there’s one more! Don’t worry, it’s an easy one. It will be the easiest find the hidden Pilgrim’s hat ever. Check it out below.

Vintage 1978 Garfield “I’m Easy To Get Along With” McDonalds Glass Cup available at CupofMood Shop

I Bet You Can Find The “Hidden” Image This Time!

Publix Pilgrim Pair Coffee Cup Mug Man available at CupofMood Shop

Ok, this one was easy peasy. You shouldn’ t have a problem finding the Pilgrim’s hat this time. This is one the pair of vintage Publix Pilgrim Pair Coffee Cup Mugs available at my CupofMood Shop. Check out my Fall and Thanksgiving collections for your best fall ever!

Until next time,



Publix Pilgrim Pair Coffee Cup Mug Woman available at CupofMood Shop


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Hi! Welcome to my blog! I’m Khadeeja and for me, this is more than just a blog. It is my own, genuine, realtime, healing process on a journey to Reclaim My Spirit”.  (For the juicy details of how I ended up needing to reclaim my spirit, check out my About Me Page).

In here you’ll find the daily practices I’m using as well as the things I’m doing, reading, watching, listening to and experiencing on my journey to reclaim my spirit. My intention is for this to be a space of self-reflection, compassion, growth, and development for all who visit. I would be humbled and honored if you’re willing to share your story and your tools to help others who also may be on a journey to reclaim their spirits. So, join in the conversation. Tell me about your personal journey to #reclaimingmyspirit. 

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