A Mother’s Day Flower Hack? Really?

I know what you may be thinking. A flower hack? I mean with Instacart and online flower deliveries how hard could it be?
Well, I don’t really mean for you but for you mom! I mean as a mom, we do love getting flowers on Mother’s Day. However, after about a week, those flowers fade. You want to get as much beauty out of them as you can before they hit the ugly stage. Then there’s the dreaded task of throwing them away.
But what if I told you there’s a way you can save your mom all the extra hassle. You can give her flowers that won’t die. You can give her practical flowers that will remind her of you throughout the day.
What kind of super flowers are those you ask? Well, it’s the kind you find on a beautiful coffee cup mug with gorgeous flowers of every color.
As mom takes her drink from her favorite morning, afternoon or evening beverage, she can admire the flowers and think of you.
So without further ado, let me show you some of my favorites from my Flowers Collection at my CupofMood Shop.

Bloom and Be Happy

This Bloom Be Happy Mug is one of my favorites because I’m truly a gardener at heart. In fact, since the fire, I miss my house and my garden. Since we’re in an apartment and there’s nowhere to garden, this Mother’s Day flower hack would work for me.
This cup shows all of the wonderful garden components including flowers. It even has a ladybug on the handle. No soil, no watering, now worry about the ladybug flying away. Just joy as you sip your favorite beverage.
If your Mom likes to play in the dirt and is in need of a new gardening kit, here are some super cute ones you may want to consider.

The Beauty of The Blue Iris

I do love a the beauty and elegance of a Blue Iris flower. Their blooms are good for attracting butterflies. However, I also know Irises in general can vary in their amount of maintenance.
So instead of figuring all of that out, why not use the Mother’s Day Flower Hack of simply buying her this no maintenance Kent Pottery Blue Iris Mug? The only water requirements you have to know is how much you need to clean it after each use. Now that’s my flower #cupofmood!
But, if you really want to get your Mom some real Irises she can plant, spring is the right time to do it. Here are some links to where you can buy them from Amazon.
Reblooming Iris for spring planting
Beautiful Flowering Dutch Iris Reticulata Blue Harmony Bulbs

Mother’s Day Flower Hack – Take Time To Smell The Flowers

Ahh, yes, this may be the most simple yet the most difficult. This Chicken Soup for the Soul Smell The Flowers Mug is a wonderful Mother’s Day flower hack. It’s a reminder wrapped in beautiful to slow down long enough to take time to smell the flowers.
Whether Mom goes outside or stays in looking at this beautiful Smell The Flowers Coffee Cup, she’ll have a pleasant reminder to slow down and enjoy life.

And while you’re trying to get Mom to slow down and smell the flowers, give her some tools to slow down and relax with. Here are a couple of options from Amazon.

The Magic of African Violets

Many of us love the beauty of the rich, deep purple color of African violets. But not everyone can handle the care and maintenance of them.
If you’re Mom is one of those people, consider giving her this super simple Mother’s Day flower hack instead. Give her the gorgeous Kent Pottery African Violet Tea Coffee Cup seen in the picture above.
The only watering she’ll need to worry about is how hot it needs to be for her favorite warm beverage.

However, if Mom want to try her hand at growing her own African Violets, here’s another amazing Mother’s Day flower hack.
Give Mom a set of these super cute 3 pack self watering African Violet planters available on Amazon.

3 pack self watering African Violet planters

Amazing Mother’s Day Flower Hack To Go

This amazing Mother’s Day flower hack is kind of like a two for one, if Mom likes riding bikes and loves flowers. This Bike Flowers Mug is the perfect #cupofmood for her since it combines both.
As Mom leisurely sips her beverage from this adorable coffee cup, she can think out her bike route. The one where she can pick fresh flowers. Or if she can’t pick them, perhaps she can pick them up.
And if she Mom loves carrying flowers on her bike, this whimsical Makimo bike basket is just right. It’s an amazing Mother’s Day flower hack to let Mom collect flowers while she’s riding. Or simply take flowers with her to enjoy while she’s out for a ride.
And, not only is the bike basket adorable, it also has a space to hold a water bottle. We certainly don’t want Mom getting dehydrated as she’s out for her ride!

Need More Mother’s Day Ideas?
Make sure to check out my most recent Mother’s Day blog Awesome Mother’s Day Gifts Sure To Make Mom’s Day! And I’ll have more ideas and suggestions in upcoming posts. So stay tuned.
Until next time,