Which Madagascar Movie Character Is Your Spirit Animal?

Which Madagascar Movie Character is your Spirit Animal? I know that sounds like a strange question, out of nowhere, right? But the truth is, it started with the Tag 3D Hippo Mug in the picture above. I thought it was super cute when I found it recently.
As I looked at it over the course of the day, a Madagascar Movie Character kept coming to mind. That character would of course be Gloria, The Hippo in the 2005 movie, Madagascar. Gloria was played by the extremely talented GenX actor, Jada Pinkett Smith.
I thought about how much I relate to Gloria’s sassiness and appreciation for herself. Just like in this clip.

Alrighty Boys, Fun’s Over!
This clip always makes me laugh and cringe at the same time. I think about how many times I watched Madagascar with my younger kids and wondered if they grasped the adult nature of the clip and what she says.

Anyway, the Madagascar movie character, Gloria resonates so much with me, I’m going to address her twice. So get ready to see a little more of Gloria.
More Madagascar Movie Characters To Consider

Of course, there’s the oh so pampered and loving it, Alex. Alex loves all the attention, limelight and pampering he can get. While he’s supposed to be fierce, eh, not so much. Just check him out in the video below.

So, the question is, is Alex your spirit animal? If so, let me know why.

Is the Madagascar Movie Character, Marty the Zebra More Your Type?

Or, maybe you’re more like Marty. You’ve hit the point in your life where you’re asking questions, pondering your life. However, you’re still trying to put on a happy face like Marty does in the Madagascar movie clip below.

That was quite a performance, don’t you think? But he wasn’t done until Marty spouted a some sage New York city advice. Check it out below.

My Girl, Gloria The Hippo!

I already mentioned how Gloria resonates with me. This photo shoot of hers is giving glamour, it’s giving me sexy, it’s giving me all that GenX woman energy!

The Hypochondriac Madagascar Movie Character

Are you more the Melman type? Are you the worrier in your family? The one who constantly worries about every real or imagined problem? Although in the clip below, I think Melman has a reason to worry about Alex’s strategy for getting him out.

Would you have been scared if you were Melman?

Madagascar Movie Character Favorites, The Penguins

Are you cunning, calculating and shrewd like the Skipper? Are you more like Kowalski, the one who creates and executes ingenious plans? Perhaps you’re more like Rico. You know Rico, the one who stores everything in his stomach? Or finally, are you more cute and cuddly, like Private?

The Higher Mammals

I always laugh when I think about the Chimpanzees, monkeys, especially Phil. He can read but he can’t speak and can certainly communicate.

Madagascar Inspired Cup Drop

So, once I found the Tag 3D Hippo Mug, I decided to look at other cups I could use to create a collection in honor of the characters. I had so much fun putting it together! Here’s the link to my Madagascar Collection at my CupofMood Shop.
I had an even better time finding these movie clips. Now that you’ve seen these, I’m still curious, is one of these Madagascar movie characters your spirit animal?
Drop me some comments and let me know.
Until next time,