Christmas in St. Croix
Keeping with our annual Christmas in the Caribbean tradition, this year we decided to explore St. Croix.

My fan girl moment
I have to admit, I had a real fan girl moment while we were in St. Croix. It was when we went by the office of US House of Representatives, Queen Stacey Plaskett. I’ll spare myself the embarrassing video for now and show you the calm picture I took in front of her office. My hair, having been at the beach, was not so calm, as you can see.

Super Sister Stacey!
Who can forget when Sister Stacy came to slay in her Super Woman Blue Dress complete with the Super Woman Cape?! When she walked into the second impeachment hearing of the disgraced, twice impeached, treasonous former President, I was like, “Go Super Sister Stacey!” I know I wasn’t the only one in awe when I saw this!

The Bill Maher Interview
My fan girlness only increased after I heard the interview she did on Bill Maher. Her words were so fierce, it inspired me to make this TikTok video.

The Illusion of Power
Though Sister Stacey is full of Black Girl Magic, none of her powers allow her to vote in the Presidential election or even in the vote on the 2nd impeachment of the disgraced, twice impeached, treasonous former President. This is despite the fact, she is a United States citizen, a standing member of the US House of Representatives and served as the Impeachment Manager.

How could that be?
It’s because St. Croix is part of the US Virgin Islands, which is one of 16 US colonies, aka, territories. The population of those territories is somewhere around 3.5 – 4 million people. Here’s a breakdown.

Washington DC, Too!
Yes, that’s Washington, DC that’s listed, too. Citizens in DC, don’t have the same rights as citizens in other parts of the same continental country. Ironically, citizens in Washington, DC have a lot in common with the citizens in the other territories, a high population of black and brown people. However, when you look at the non-white population in the territories, the percentage is about 98%.

Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens in the Territories
Take a look a the rights and responsibilities. Looks kind of similar to those in the continental US, right?

Taxation without Voting Representation
Each of the territories gets to elect a representative to the House of Representatives but that Representative has absolutely NO VOTING POWER. Which means, they are there, almost just for show.

The racist issue behind the second class treatment
I actually initially learned about this when I was in Puerto Rico last May. I created this video that explains the Insular Cases and the racist implications behind them. Here’s the video.
Reading about the Insular Cases
If you’re interested in reading more about the Insular Cases, are are some articles you can read. Article in Slate, article in The Conversation.

Did you know about this and what do you think?
Is this the first you’ve heard about this? What do you think about it? Drop me a comment and let me know.
Until Next time,