Reclaiming My Spirit

The Hilarious Video With Old School Memories Sure To Make Your Friday Fun!

Roscher White May Your Friday Sparkle Extra Large Stoneware Coffee Cup available at CupofMood Shop

Old School Memories

On my main Tiktok page, I frequently talk about old school memories I have being a member of Generation X. For a breakdown on the different generations, check out this post.

However, the more I post, the more I appreciate micro generations. That’s what they call generations that don’t fit squarely into the typical definitions of a generations. It’s either because they’re on the very front end or tail end of a generation. Gen Jones is an example of a micro generation wedged between Boomers and Generation X. My favorite micro generation name are the Geriatric Millennials. This is the hilarious name for the generation wedged between Gen X and Millennials. They’re also known as Xennials.

The reason I appreciate the micro generations is because I can appreciate how we all have so many similar experiences. As a result, sometimes when I’m talking about topics that might cross generations, I simply refer to all of us as, Oldheads. Oldheads covers all of us, from different generations, who remember things from a time long gone by. Boomers, Gen Jones, Gen X, Geriatric Millenials and Millenials, all of us Oldheads.

Let’s see how many of these, generate sensory memories for you.

Retirement World’s Longest Coffee Break Coffee Cup Mug available at CupofMood Shop

Sensory Old School Memories

Sensory Old School Memories for Friday Fun!

This morning I woke up thinking about things we used to have and do that are considered old school but they evoke strong sensory memories for Oldheads, like me. It’s what prompted me to create the TikTok video this post is based on. Let’s see how many of these evoke old school sensory memories for you!

Hey Friday, Same Time Same Place Wine Glass available at CupofMood Shop

Can You Hear This?

Oldheads can hear the sound of dot matrix paper tearing

In the days of high quality low cost printers, younger generations probably have no appreciation for the sound of dot matrix paper tearing. But Oldheads sure remember what it sounds like.

Insanity Is Hereditary Coffee Cup Mug available at CupofMood Shop

Can You Smell This?

Oldheads can smell the freshly opened cans of Play Doh

Not only can Oldheads vividly recall what freshly opened cans of Play Doh smell like. Some of us may even know what Play Doh tastes like.

Natural Life 16 Ounce Glass Water Bottle available at CupofMood Shop

Can You Feel This?

Oldheads can feel the sensation of rolling in a waterbed

Back in the hey day of waterbeds, you either loved them or you hated them. One way or the other, most Oldheads experienced the sensation of rolling on a waterbed.

Snowman Hugging Mug of Hot Cocoa Cup available at CupofMood Shop

How About This?

Oldheads can feel the coldness of a waterbed with a broken heater

Sweet As Sugar Lavender Latte Mug available at CupofMood Shop

Can You Taste This?

Oldheads can taste the sweet sugary rush of Bubblicious Bubble Gum

May Each Sip You Take Be Sweet Rainbow Candy Coffee Cup available at CupofMood Shop

If You Remember These

The Generation X Collection at CupofMood Shop

You should definitely check out My Gen X collection at CupofMood Shop. You’re sure to find nostalgic cups and glasses to bring back some of your favorite old school memories.

Certified Oldtimer Ask Me Anything Jumbo Coffee Cup available at CupofMood Shop

Morse Men For Mom

Please support the Morse Men 4 Mom GoFundMe account we set up

If you haven’t seen my video on this topic, you can find it here, Morse Men 4 Mom. The long story short is my husband, Michael’s family lost everything inside their Ft. Myers home due to the flooding from Hurricane Ian. We were blessed that everyone survived and we only have to replace things.

If you would like to donate, here’s a link to the GoFundMe page we set up.

Welp, that’s it for now. An upcoming blog will provide more details on Morse Men 4 Mom.

Until next time,






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Hi! Welcome to my blog! I’m Khadeeja and for me, this is more than just a blog. It is my own, genuine, realtime, healing process on a journey to Reclaim My Spirit”.  (For the juicy details of how I ended up needing to reclaim my spirit, check out my About Me Page).

In here you’ll find the daily practices I’m using as well as the things I’m doing, reading, watching, listening to and experiencing on my journey to reclaim my spirit. My intention is for this to be a space of self-reflection, compassion, growth, and development for all who visit. I would be humbled and honored if you’re willing to share your story and your tools to help others who also may be on a journey to reclaim their spirits. So, join in the conversation. Tell me about your personal journey to #reclaimingmyspirit. 

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