Reclaiming My Spirit

The Insanely Fun Jamaican Christmas Tradition You Never Heard Of!

The Fun Jamaican Christmas Tradition You Never Heard Of

Only A Morning Person Mug On December 25th available at CupofMood Shop

Caribbean Christmas Traditions

Our first Christmas trip to Jamaica

There’s an insanely fun Jamaican Christmas tradition, I couldn’t wait to experience for myself. I first heard about Grand Market or “Gran Market” when spent Christmas in Jamaica in 2018. We heard about it then. However there was so much going on at the resort we stayed in, we opted not to try to squeeze it.

Caribbean Islands Souvenir Mug available at CupofMood Shop

Another Shot At The Jamaican Christmas Tradition

Our first experience with Grand Market in Jamaica

My husband and I had a chance to revisit the Jamaican Christmas tradition when we went back to Jamaica in 2020. I’m so glad we did!

Jamaica Souvenir Coffee Cup available at CupofMood Shop

What Is This Fun Jamaican Christmas Tradition?

One of the Grand Markets in Jamaica

Grand Market is also commonly referred to as “Gran’ Market”  in Jamaica. It’s also one of the most anticipated events of the Christmas season.  It’s held in all major towns across Jamaica on Christmas Eve.

Linda Grayson Shopping Mug available at CupofMood Shop

No Stopping This Jamaican Christmas Tradition!

Grand Market is an insanely fun Jamaican Christmas tradition. Even in the midst of a pandemic, Jamaicans weren’t going to be deterred from enjoying this festive holiday tradition.

Fa La La Lamingos Pink Flamingos Latte Cup available at CupofMood Shop

The Real Fun With This Jamaican Christmas Tradition Starts At Night

Some of the merchandise available at Grand Market

The activities last all day on Christmas Eve but the real fun starts at night. That’s when you can best see the sights and sounds of Grand Market.

Wine Christmas Wine Glass available at CupofMood Shop

Last Minute Christmas Shopping

Items available for sale at Grand Market in Jamaica

This annual tradition gives shoppers a chance to buy last minute Christmas gifts in what feels like a cross between a block party and a flea market. There’s food, music, laughing, eating and socializing al with the fun anticipation of Christmas. In addition to the fun, there’s shopping to be done.

You can find all kinds of items on sale both in stores and along the sidewalks. You can find a little bit of everything. Items like Christmas decorations, clothing, food, toys, household products and more. In my opinion, the variety and quality of items are similar to what you find in flea markets in the US.

Mary Phillips Designs Mug available at CupofMood Shop

The History of Grand Market

The history of Grand Market goes back to days of enslavement in Jamaica

According to Jamaican history, this Jamaican Christmas Tradition goes back to the times of enslavement in Jamaica. It is said the enslaved were given a couple days off from their usual hard labor.

With this free time and on one of the free days they’d dress up and go meet to socialize. Some of the enslaved men and women would sell homemade items like straw hats and baskets. Others would go to entertain by singing or beating on drums made out of animal skin.

It was a jubilant time that carries over to the fun Christmas tradition it remains today.

Map of Jamaica Souvenir Mug available at CupofMood Shop

See The Fun For Yourself

Check out these videos to see some of the fun for yourself!

Margaritaville Jamaica West Indies Souvenir Cup available at CupofMood Shop

Hey Mon No Problem Jamaica Souvenir Mug available at CupofMood Shop

Want More Jamaica?

Is Jamaican KFC Really The Best Chicken In The World?

We absolutely love Jamaica so I have a few blog posts about some of our visits. One of my favorites is about Jamaican KFC.

You wouldn’t believe the incredibly long lines people endure just to get to Jamaican KFC. After experiencing it for myself, I get it.

You can read about it in this blog post, Is Jamaican KFC Really The Best Chicken In The World?

Reggae Souvenir Coffee Cup available at CupofMood Shop

Do You Have A Grand Market Experience?

Tell me about it! Drop me some comments and let me know what it was like for you.

Until next time,




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Hi! Welcome to my blog! I’m Khadeeja and for me, this is more than just a blog. It is my own, genuine, realtime, healing process on a journey to Reclaim My Spirit”.  (For the juicy details of how I ended up needing to reclaim my spirit, check out my About Me Page).

In here you’ll find the daily practices I’m using as well as the things I’m doing, reading, watching, listening to and experiencing on my journey to reclaim my spirit. My intention is for this to be a space of self-reflection, compassion, growth, and development for all who visit. I would be humbled and honored if you’re willing to share your story and your tools to help others who also may be on a journey to reclaim their spirits. So, join in the conversation. Tell me about your personal journey to #reclaimingmyspirit. 

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