Reclaiming My Spirit

The Painful Tale of the Great Nunchuck Epidemic!

The Painful Tale of the Great Nunchuck Epidemic started with this man, Bruce Lee

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The Great Nunchuck Epidemic!

It’s a painful part of GenX’s childhood. The Great Nunchuck Epidemic of the 70s and early 80s. Our generation is already small. The Great Nunchuck Epidemic is one of the many reasons.

Now, as part of GenX code, we really aren’t supposed to be talking about it. However, someone in my TikTok Community brought it up. So, I had no choice but to explain. So here we go.

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The Man Behind The Great Nunchuck Epidemic!

Bruce Lee, the man behind the Great Nunchuck Epidemic

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Have You Heard Of Him?

If you haven’t heard of Bruce Lee and you have Gen X parents, they haven’t properly done their jobs. Bruce Lee was only the most amazing martial artist of our childhood.

His skill with the nunchucks were something to behold! You don’t believe me? See for yourself in this clips below.

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Game of Death Nunchuck Scene

Let me tell you something! We could not get enough of the nunchuck scene in the Game of Death movie.

I loved everything about it. I loved the orange color of Bruce’s outfit. I most definitely loved how he handled those nunchucks. I can’t tell you how many times I hurt and or injured myself or someone else practicing with nunchucks.

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The Bruce Lee Nunchucks

Bruce Lee Nunchucks the toy every GenXer wanted

It’s hard to believe our parents allowed us to play with such dangerous toys. This is one of many. I talk about another one in this TikTok video. None the less, many of us did. Our parents kind of let us explore the world with what I typically refer to as the FAFO parenting style. You Fuck Around and Find Out how dangerous things are by experiencing them. Then you either choose to repeat the experience or not.

By today’s standards, I’m pretty sure this would be considered Child Abuse.

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The Nunchuck Fight Scenes We Recreated

Bruce Lee in Return of The Dragon

There are countless injuries we sustained from trying to recreate some of our favorite Bruce Lee nunchuck fight scenes. He could wipe out a whole crew with just him and his nunchucks. Just like in the scenes below.

Bruce Lee Return of The Dragon Nunchuck Group Fight Scene

Further contributing to the Epidemic were our group fight scenes. With a lot of unsupervised time and lots of tv to watch. After watching any tv show with fighting, we tried to recreate the moves. Bruce Lee movies were no different.

Of course, we endured our fair share of injuries. Some might even say, brain damage.

Nonetheless, some of us survived. And so goes another epic story of the GenX experience.

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How About You?

Did you like Bruce Lee? Did you have nunchucks? Drop me some comments and let me know your thoughts.

Until next time,



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Hi! Welcome to my blog! I’m Khadeeja and for me, this is more than just a blog. It is my own, genuine, realtime, healing process on a journey to Reclaim My Spirit”.  (For the juicy details of how I ended up needing to reclaim my spirit, check out my About Me Page).

In here you’ll find the daily practices I’m using as well as the things I’m doing, reading, watching, listening to and experiencing on my journey to reclaim my spirit. My intention is for this to be a space of self-reflection, compassion, growth, and development for all who visit. I would be humbled and honored if you’re willing to share your story and your tools to help others who also may be on a journey to reclaim their spirits. So, join in the conversation. Tell me about your personal journey to #reclaimingmyspirit. 

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