It’s week 3 of Manifestation Monday and I have to tell you, I really had fun with this one! Since last week, I was searching for a mantra that would inspire me and hopefully you. I really liked the catchy beat and tune of the one in the video.
In searching for the right images or videos to go with mantra, I was looking through some of my nature footage I’ve taken this year. None of it seemed to match. However, as I was flying home from my visit to Chicago with my beautiful younger daughter, Nicole, I was scrolling through the literally, hundreds of pictures and videos I took while I was there. I was overcome with a profound sense of gratitude and abundance. The more I looked at the pictures, the more intense the appreciation. I knew some of these images would be behind whatever mantra I picked.

The TikTok factor
I heard this mantra and had seen videos to it previously on TikTok. However, listening to it yesterday, just seemed to make my whole trip and my Manifestation Mantra come together. So, here’s my Monday Manifestation Mantra.
Please let me know if you try it and how it works for you. Namaste.