Reclaiming My Spirit

Useful Tips Before Your First Visit To The South

The useful tips you need before visiting the South

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Why Do You Need Tips Before Your First Visit South?

There are some useful and helpful tips you need before your first visit to the South. Though we are the United States, as I learned there are some very unique differences between living in the North and living in the South. But don’t you worry, I’ve had experience living in both. And I’m going to help you learn them the tips you need.

Depending on where I am in the South, some people tell me I still have a Northern Accent. So, they ask me where I’m from. After I tell them I grew up in Ohio, I often add the following very true statement.

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I’m Not From The South But I Got Here As Quickly As I Could!

Map of Southern States of the United States

I’m honestly not sure how it happened but I am a HUGE beach fan. It doesn’t take too long of a glance on my social media pages to see how much I love going to the beach. This is such a contrast from where I grew up.

Growing up in the frigid, cold and gray winters of Cleveland, Ohio I longed for warmer weather and sunny days. For people who grew up in Cleveland, you know that sunshine is a rare commodity from about October through March/April timeframe. During that time, you’re typically subjected to a long series of gray days.

For many reasons, I knew Ohio wasn’t going to be my final destination after graduating from high school. And now, almost 4 decades later, I consider myself a proud Southern woman. Specifically, a proud Florida woman. (Definitely not to be confused with Florida Man, lol).

Baby It’ Cold Outside Mug available at CupofMood Shop

Lessons In Southern English

Since I’m Black, I’m accustomed to the general use of the word y’all. In our family it was a term we used without a second thought. However, outside of Black households, it was generally considered an uneducated Southern thing.

In living in the South, I learned y’all is just one way to express the plural version of people. But in some places, it can be a bit more complicated. As you can see in these images, there’s a hierarchy to the term y’all based on how many people there are. Who knew?

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Explanation of the word Y’aint in the South

Just when you thought you understood y’all, I had to throw a curve ball in there. An important tip before a visit South is understanding and appreciating the different dialects of the South.

Not everywhere in the South will you hear the word Y’aint. But if you do happen to hear it, now you’ll know what it means.

Middle of Somewhere Mug available at CupofMood Shop

Directions Are Way Different In The South!

How Southerners give directions

An important tip before a visit to the South is understanding that Southerners give directions WAY DIFFERENTLY than others. Let me tell you, Southerners will give you some of the most interesting and funny set of directions you ever will hear!

Tampa Florida Souvenir Mug available at CupofMood Shop

No Shortage of Churches

They don’t call the South The Bible Belt for nothing!

You never have to be at a loss of what church to attend in the South. They definitely don’t call it The Bible Belt for nothing!

So, here’s a tips before a first visit South, for some religion is there way of life for everything. Whereas some people might meet a new person and ask what high school they attended; it’s a little different in the South. They’re more likely to ask you the church you attend.

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A Useful Tip When Visiting After Church In the South

Grits, a Southern staple

Getting some good food after church is regular part of Sundays in The South. You can count on some good southern food like bacon, eggs, waffles, pancakes, sausage and grits.

Growing up in Cleveland, I was highly accustomed to eating good grits at home and at relatives’ houses. However, I wouldn’t necessarily order them at a restaurant because they’re still somewhat a foreign concept up North.

Not to mention, some people in the North eat their grits with, dare I say it? Sugar! Gasp! In the South, we don’t fool around with sugar in our grits. We know grits are not to be served Cream of Wheat style.

Also, I can typically get good grits at most restaurants here. Grits are truly one of my favorite comfort foods. So being able to easily get them in restaurants is one of my favorite things about living in the South.

Sundays Are Made For Mug available at CupofMood Shop

A Tip About Wine Pairings When Visiting The South

While you may think about people drinking Moonshine while visiting The South for the first time, there’s more to it than that. To be sure, you can find some spots that likely sell Moonshine but let’s give The South some credit. We drink wine down here, too. It’s just our wine pairings are a little more relaxed and casual than what some may be used to.

I mean, who doesn’t like wine and brownies?!

Trisa Stoneware Chocolate Cafe Coffee Mug  available at CupofMood Shop

More Useful Tips Before Your Visit South

Follow my blog for interesting places to experience in Florida

If you’re looking for good restaurants and things to do while visiting in the South, especially Florida, check out my Reclaiming My Spirit blog. In this blog post I share a winery off the beaten path in a part of Florida you wouldn’t expect.

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What Do You Think?

Drop me some comments and let me know what you think about my five useful tips before your first visit to the South.

Until next time,



Girls Raised In The South Mug available at CupofMood Shop


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Hi! Welcome to my blog! I’m Khadeeja and for me, this is more than just a blog. It is my own, genuine, realtime, healing process on a journey to Reclaim My Spirit”.  (For the juicy details of how I ended up needing to reclaim my spirit, check out my About Me Page).

In here you’ll find the daily practices I’m using as well as the things I’m doing, reading, watching, listening to and experiencing on my journey to reclaim my spirit. My intention is for this to be a space of self-reflection, compassion, growth, and development for all who visit. I would be humbled and honored if you’re willing to share your story and your tools to help others who also may be on a journey to reclaim their spirits. So, join in the conversation. Tell me about your personal journey to #reclaimingmyspirit. 

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