Reclaiming My Spirit

Want an awesome meditation to feed your spirit and get results?

Last week, I posted this 3 day mantra meditation to my Tiktok feed and my other social media platforms.

I really liked the simplicity of the mantra and that it was a short three day plan. I invited people to join me in doing it and to see what happens. I told everyone I would report back on my progress. And boy do I have some stuff to report!

What I wanted to manifest

I had a few things I wanted to manifest from the mantra. One was to grow the following for my newly launched social media platforms for Khadeeja’s CupofMood. I launched an Instagram account and a Facebook account. I also launched a Khadeeja’s CupofMood Tiktok account.

Another manifestation goal was to continue to grow my fun and hilarious Tiktok page. I can’t even begin to tell you how much joy I receive everyday from interacting with my messy, funny, uplifting and encouraging followers! Who wouldn’t want to manifest more of that?

How it started

The video seemed to start off slowly on TT. It’s hard to tell if it has anything to do with the ever shifting, famous and infamous Tiktok algorithm. I think in the first day it had a few hundred views and a few people said they would do the mantra with me.

My intention was to check back daily to see how things were going. I did for a couple of days but the mantra started working so effectively, I literally didn’t have time after that.

The results and the proof

I posted the video on 9/7/21, started the mantra on 9/8/21 and finished the mantra on 9/10/21. In the days following the completion of the mantra, I had several videos go a little viral and one that went super viral on my main TT account. I was also able to grow my CupofMood accounts. Check out these results.

My CupofMood Instagram account

I went from a brand new account with no content and no followers to reaching more than 1300 accounts, interacting with 81 and gaining 21 new followers!

On Facebook, the CupofMood account gained 100 new page likes and my Tiktok account picked up 4 new followers.

The amazing growth on Tiktok

I was impressed enough with those results. But I was simply amazed at the tremendous growth on my main Tiktok page. I had a spike in video views in almost all of my videos but the videos below did absolutely astounding!

I thought I was really doing something with those! I was having a blast, being messy, laughing and doing videos. My followers, are so interactive and so funny, I often make follow up videos to their comments.

Those comments, though!

All of the videos shown above, except the mantra video, were follow up videos to comments made by my followers. You really should read the comments yourself. I PROMISE you, they won’t disappoint!

The video below is an indication of the absolute messiness and hilarity of my followers. Michael and I were down on Marco Island, it was early in the morning and I ran across this comment that absolutely had me ROLLING with laughter! I knew I would have to do a video on it. Here it is:

Talk about a viral video! As of the time of this blog post being written, that video has been viewed over 100,000 times. Not only did this video perform extremely well, many other videos that week also performed well. Look at the results.

AND, I gained a ton of new funny, sarcastic, messy followers who literally make me laugh out loud EVERY DAY! Look at these results!

It ain’t easy

Anyone who has tried to grow a social media following knows, it is not easy to get numbers like this in a short time frame. But I’m one who believes in the power of prayer and meditation so I’m humbled, honored and ready to try it again!

Will you join me this time?

I’m going to post the same or an updated version of the 3 day mantra video again. I plan to start it tomorrow, Friday, 9/17. If you also do it, please share how it’s going for you. You can drop a comment on this blog post or any of my social media platforms.

Want to be included in the follow up video/post?

I’ll do a follow up video and post after the three days. I’d love to include some of your videos and/or stories in the post, so please share them with me! I can’t wait to see what we manifest next!




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Hi! Welcome to my blog! I’m Khadeeja and for me, this is more than just a blog. It is my own, genuine, realtime, healing process on a journey to Reclaim My Spirit”.  (For the juicy details of how I ended up needing to reclaim my spirit, check out my About Me Page).

In here you’ll find the daily practices I’m using as well as the things I’m doing, reading, watching, listening to and experiencing on my journey to reclaim my spirit. My intention is for this to be a space of self-reflection, compassion, growth, and development for all who visit. I would be humbled and honored if you’re willing to share your story and your tools to help others who also may be on a journey to reclaim their spirits. So, join in the conversation. Tell me about your personal journey to #reclaimingmyspirit. 

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