One of my absolute favorite part of our trip to Curacao, was a visit to the Kura Hulanda Museum in Curacao. It is easily one of the most in depth and authentic museums that documents the TransAtlantic Slave Trade, I’ve ever visited.
Part of it’s authenticity lies in the location of the museum, itself. It’s situated right at the city-center harbor of Willemstad, where Dutch entrepreneurs once traded and transshipped enslaved Africans along with other ‘commercial goods’.
Pic in front of the museum
A small glimpse
As tough as it was to see the brutality, the museum did a good job of balancing out the positive history and contributions of Africans to the European countries, the Americas and the Caribbean. At a time when so much more of our history threatens to be left out of American history, I felt compelled to make and share this video that shows the West African Kingdoms that were affected by the TransAtlantic Slave Trade.