How Did I Not Know This About Ronald McDonald?

I’m still surprised I’m just finding out the shocking truth about Ronald McDonald. I mean, I’m middle aged now. I’ve lived a little, I’ve raised children. I thought I pretty much knew everything there was to know about McDonalds. Heck, I’ve done blogs on little known McDonald’s history. Take this one, for example, The Happy Memory Sure To Make You Smile! – Reclaiming My Spirit or this one, You’ll Never Believe This Fun Forgotten Place! – Reclaiming My Spirit. So, I really thought I knew about McDonald’s.

How I Stumbled Across The Truth About Ronald McDonald

I found a few cups that seemed to vintage McDonald’s cups. But they had a mascot I didn’t recognize. The little hamburger head guy was holding a sign that said Speedee. Well, who was Speedee and where was Ronald McDonald?

The Original McDonald’s Mascot

Speedee was the original mascot created by the McDonald brothers, the original founders of McDonald’s. These were the early days of McDonald’s long before the days of Ronald McDonald and even before the days of McDonald’s having two arches.

You Didn’t Know?

You didn’t know that shocking truth about Ronald McDonald and about the Golden Arches of McDonald’s? Well, let me show you! Yes, that’s Speedee, standing in the middle of a single McDonald’s arch. He’s holding a sign that says $.15 for hamburgers.

Are You Old Enough To Remember Speedee?

If you’re love vintage McDonald’s items, you should definitely check out my McDonald’s cup collection at my CupofMood Shop.

Did You Know?
I’m curious if you knew this shocking truth about Ronald McDonald. Drop me a comment and let me know.
Until next time,