Reclaiming My Spirit

You’ll Never Believe The Shocking Truth About These Pictures!

 Stand Tall Wear A Crown Giraffe and Pineapple Latte Mug available at CupofMood Shop 

It started innocently enough

The Glittery Gold Pineapple Plastic Tumbler from my CupofMood Shop I was promoting on my TikTok page.

I was simply promoting a cute new addition to my Pineapple Collection on my CupofMood Shop on a recent TikTok.

Glittery Gold Pineapple Plastic Tumbler with Lid and Straw available at CupofMood Shop 

Next came the question

The question from the TikTok video that started my exploration into the shocking truth

So, not just that question really. There were several questionable comments about pineapples that left a bunch of us wondering what in the world they were talking about. This lead to me doing a Google search.

I Don’t Need Google My Husband Knows Everything Coffee Cup available at CupofMood Shop

I understood the basics

I understood the basics of the pineapple concept

I mean, in short, pineapples represent swingers. Now, how many different ways it represents swingers was more shocking. Specifically because if I hadn’t Googled the term, I would have never known.

If you’re like me and a bunch of other people who saw that video, I had no idea so let me enlighten you.

I Don’t Need Google My Girlfriend Knows Everything Coffee Cup available at CupofMood Shop

In the Grocery Store

Do you know what an upside down pineapple means?

If someone flips their pineapple upside down in their grocery cart it can be a sign they’re a “pineapple” looking for more “pineapple” loving people. The upside down pineapple apparently is the universal sign for swingers. Or at least the current version.

Black Colorful Pineapple Coffee Cup Mug  available at CupofMood Shop 

At Your Neighbor’s House

I’ll never look at Welcome Mats the same!

If you have a pineapple welcome mat, it can mean you’re more than just hospitable. If you have it placed like the one in the picture, upside down, it means you’re about that pineapple life.

Extra Large Orange and Blue Pineapple Coffee Cup Mug available at CupofMood Shop 

The Clothes You Wear!

Did you know about the pineapple clothes?

This one kind of hurt. As a beach lover, I love anything that looks tropical. The problem is, if you’re wearing anything pineapple and more especially if any of the pineapples are upside, you may be sending a message you didn’t intend.

Queen of Fashion Vandor Coffee Cup available at CupofMood Shop

What Am I To Do With These Pineapple Shorts Now?!

What am I to do with these pineapple shorts now?

Once I learned about the clothes I made a bee line to my closet. I pulled out some of my favorite shorts. My cute black and gold pineapple shorts. I even discovered some of the pineapples are upside down.

Suddenly, I understood an interaction I had in a store with a very friendly couple while I was wearing those shorts.

Oversized Pink Hot Mess Coffee Cup available at CupofMood Shop

In The Yard

Did you know the grass in your yard can indicate you’re a swinger?!

So, I know now not to hang any pineapple decorations around my yard but did you know the type of grass you plant can also be an indicator you’re pineapple friendly? Yep! Check it out! At least I can say I don’t have any of that type of grass in my yard.

Crazy Plant Lady Mug available at CupofMood Shop

Did You Know?

Did you know any of this?

Did you know any of this? I was shooketh and shocked myself to learn all of this! Drop me some comments and let me know if you knew.

And stay tuned, I learned there’s another innocent looking symbol you need to be careful with.

Until next time,



Single & Ready to Flamingle Pink Ombre Stemless Wine Glass available at CupofMood Shop


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Hi! Welcome to my blog! I’m Khadeeja and for me, this is more than just a blog. It is my own, genuine, realtime, healing process on a journey to Reclaim My Spirit”.  (For the juicy details of how I ended up needing to reclaim my spirit, check out my About Me Page).

In here you’ll find the daily practices I’m using as well as the things I’m doing, reading, watching, listening to and experiencing on my journey to reclaim my spirit. My intention is for this to be a space of self-reflection, compassion, growth, and development for all who visit. I would be humbled and honored if you’re willing to share your story and your tools to help others who also may be on a journey to reclaim their spirits. So, join in the conversation. Tell me about your personal journey to #reclaimingmyspirit. 

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