Reclaiming My Spirit

The inside secret about restaurants you need to know.

Y’all know how much I love my TikTok followers! There are more than 20,000 of them that keep me entertained and informed. I love our “messy” conversations and I especially love when we can all learn something new together.

I don’t mind encouraging interesting conversations about various topics. It was in that vein that I posed this question.


Reply to @cryssylynnpennell #letstalkabout #restaurant #customerservice #serverlife #diningout #reclaimingmyspirit #messytrain #messypeople #messytok

♬ The Assignment – Tay Money

The Responses

Whew child! At the time of this post, that vide had been viewed over 4500 times and had 465 comments. Many of them were from current or former servers. Just to give you a sense of some of the comments, here are some of them.

For more, check out and follow my Khadeeja Morse RMS Tiktok page. You can also follow my Khadeeja’s CupofMood TikTok account for drink recipes, helpful tips and funny videos.

This initial video which was a response to another video, prompted even more discussions about restaurant insider thoughts on tipping, wages and the industry. Stay tuned for those interesting videos and comments soon.

Until then,




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Hi! Welcome to my blog! I’m Khadeeja and for me, this is more than just a blog. It is my own, genuine, realtime, healing process on a journey to Reclaim My Spirit”.  (For the juicy details of how I ended up needing to reclaim my spirit, check out my About Me Page).

In here you’ll find the daily practices I’m using as well as the things I’m doing, reading, watching, listening to and experiencing on my journey to reclaim my spirit. My intention is for this to be a space of self-reflection, compassion, growth, and development for all who visit. I would be humbled and honored if you’re willing to share your story and your tools to help others who also may be on a journey to reclaim their spirits. So, join in the conversation. Tell me about your personal journey to #reclaimingmyspirit. 

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