There aren’t many, but there a few things from 2020 I wanted to carry into 2021. One of those is Self-Care Sunday.
It started because in the midst of the pandemic, I was missing the opportunity to get a massage. I know, I know, of all the things, right? Well, in my defense, there are numerous physical health and mental health benefits of massage. I believe in them all.
But more than anything, they were just a little thing I tried to do with some degree of frequency because they usually left me feeling relaxed, renewed and refreshed. I missed that trifecta of positive feelings created in the span of an hour. Massages were typically in my top 3 things I use to look forward to, like I mention in my Happiness Emergency Kit post.
That’s why it was a blessing when I found Lakewood Ranch Massage and the awesome, Ms. Josie, who provide mobile massage therapy.
You may remember Josie from a Self-Care Sunday message she shared last November.
This Sunday will be my first Self-Care Sunday with Josie in the new year. The last one was even more enjoyable and relaxing since I already had Sunday Dinner cooking.

I’m going to try to recreate that today so I’m up early, prepping Sunday Dinner before Jose arrives. In the meantime, listen to Josie’s fantastic suggestions on how to have a great massage.
If massage isn’t your thing, check out this inspiring post of other ways you can have Self-Care Sunday.
Whatever you choose, I hope you have a wonderful day!