If you know me, you know I almost ALWAYS have a DIY project going. As my husband would say, I’m dangerous with a can of spray paint! Flea market finds are some of my favorite things to make over.
Flea Market Finds

So, when I ran across this pair of vases at Webster Flea Market, my interest was immediately peaked. Part of the fun of flea markets is bargaining so I was fully prepared to go into full blown negotiating mode. My goal was to get the pair for no more than $20, if possible. But, truthfully, I was willing to go as high as $25, if necessary.
When I asked how much, I was told $8. I was initially happy thinking it was going to be $16. Definitely under my $20 goal. However, as a flea market veteran, I knew to confirm the price. Can I tell you how I almost fell over when she told me it was $8 for both?!
Usually, I’m undeterred about negotiating, regardless of how low the price. However, I KNEW what a deal I had so I didn’t even negotiate. I gladly gave the vendor my $8 and brought them back to the car. I was already thinking about how I could make them over.

More Ballin on a Budget
On another outing; I don’t know, it could have been a garage sale, a flea market or an antique shop; I found this pair of stands. You’re reading that tag right; I got both of them for $5!

More miscellaneous makeover projects
Since I was going to be spray painting, I rounded up other things I acquired that were due for a makeover. I had little round table I got at a garage sale a few weeks ago for $4.

And, on the spur of the moment, I thought about the old white miniature Christmas tree that had seen better days. I had just put it in the donation box. I took it out and decided to spray paint it. If it didn’t work out, I could still donate it and if it was too bad, I could always throw it away.

Let the makeovers begin!
Welcome to my little area in my backyard that’s my all purpose, junk, storage, spray paint, yada, yada, yada, area.

Wouldn’t you know it? Just as I got everything set up, it started to drizzle. I had to rush to put everything inside so they wouldn’t get wet. Thankfully the rain didn’t last long.

Here’s how they looked after the first round of spray paint.

And if you haven’t seen the video of the final product, here it is! You can see the the tree, the vases and the smaller stand in the opening shot.

What a deal!
I paid $8 for both vases, I paid $5 for both of the stands and I paid $4 for the table. That’s $17. I bought two cans of spray paint at roughly $4 each. That brought my cost to $25. But to me, it looks like a million bucks!
What do you think?